Environment Sustainability Policies & Practices
At Annick House we recognise that we have an opportunity to make a significant contribution to maintaining the integrity of our beautiful unique environment, by endeavouring wherever possible to maintain policies and practiced that support those ideals.
We are committed to reviewing our accommodation operations on a regular basis, looking for ways to improve our performance. To this end we welcome your feedback at any time.
The following procedures are currently implemented:
- Recycling bins are placed outside to encourage the recycling of plastics, cardboard, paper, tins and bottles.
- Vegetable and recyclable food scraps are processed in our worm farm or compost bins. Worm juice and compost used to fertilize our garden.
- Bathroom soaps and shampoos are bio-degradable products.
- Refillable containers are used wherever possible.
- Use ENJO microfibre cleaning cloths to minimize the use of cleaning chemicals.
- No heated towel rails fitted – towels are dried as required.
- Cold water used for laundry.
- Laundry dried out doors whenever possible.
- Linen and towels changed every three days for longer term guests.
- Minimise energy consumption – turn off appliances not in use.
- Security lights controlled by sensors and timers.
- Energy efficient lighting used where appropriate.
- Recycle used appliances and furniture in an appropriate manner.
- Buy local produce and support local businesses and trades people.
- Support the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary and other conservation and replanting initiatives in the Nelson Region. www.brooksanctuary.org.nz